insert png image into pdf

i found width , height of png image.


but when m calling addimagesnip() after shown message "out of memory".


while select jpg file , found width , height of jpg file after m calling addimagesnip() function image inserted pdf successfully.


why fuction not working png format ?


can 1 tell me how set value of pdeimagematrix , parameter passing pdeimagecreate() function png image file......?



pdeimage volatile pdeimage = null;

                    pdeimageattrs pdeimageattrs;

                    pdecolorspace pdecolorspace;

                    asfixedmatrix imagematrix;


                    memset(&pdeimageattrs, 0, sizeof(pdeimageattrs));

                    pdeimageattrs.flags = kpdeimageexternal;

                    pdeimageattrs.width = width;

                    pdeimageattrs.height = height;

                    pdeimageattrs.bitspercomponent = 8;


                    imagematrix.a = asint16tofixed(width);

                    imagematrix.d = asint16tofixed(height);

                    imagematrix.b = imagematrix.c = fixedzero;

                    imagematrix.h = fixedzero;

                    imagematrix.v = fixedzero;


                    pdecolorspace = pdecolorspacecreatefromname(asatomfromstring("devicergb"));


                    pdefilterarray filterarray;

                    pdefilterspec filterspec;

                    memset (&filterspec, 0, sizeof (pdefilterspec));

           = asatomfromstring ("dctdecode");//flatedecode //dctdecode

                    filterarray.numfilters = 1;

                    filterarray.spec[0] = filterspec;

                    astfilepos size =  asfilegeteof(asfile);


                              pdeimage = pdeimagecreate (&pdeimageattrs, sizeof(pdeimageattrs), &imagematrix,

                                                                                                    kpdeimageencodeddata , pdecolorspace, null,&filterarray,

                                                                                                    asstm, null, asfilegeteof(asfile));


                              ierrorcode = asgetexceptionerrorcode();




                    if (0 == ierrorcode)


                              pdpage pdpage;

                              pdecontent pdecontent;

                              pddoc doc=null;



                                        avdoc avdoc = avappgetactivedoc();

                                        doc = avdocgetpddoc(avdoc);

                                        pdpage = pddocacquirepage (doc, 0);





                                        asfixedrect mediabox = {asint32tofixed(0), asint32tofixed(0), asint32tofixed(width), asint32tofixed(height)};   

                                        pdpage = pddoccreatepage(doc, pdbeforefirstpage, mediabox);


                              if(pdpage == null)

                                        return null;

                              pdecontent = pdpageacquirepdecontent (pdpage, gextensionid);

                              asint32 initialnumelements  = pdecontentgetnumelems(pdecontent);

                              pdeimage existingimage;

                              if(initialnumelements > 0)


                                        existingimage = (pdeimage) pdecontentgetelem(pdecontent, 0);

                                        asuns32 encodedlenp;

                                        asbool isencoded = pdeimagedataisencoded(existingimage,&encodedlenp);




                                        pdeelement pdeelement=(pdeelement)pdeimage;.

                                        pdecontentaddelem (pdecontent, kpdeafterlast, pdeelement );


                                        ierrorcode = asgetexceptionerrorcode();



                              asint32 finalnumelements  = pdecontentgetnumelems(pdecontent);

                              asbool sucess = pdpagesetpdecontent (pdpage, gextensionid);

                              pdpagereleasepdecontent (pdpage, gextensionid);



this code correct jpg not working png.


can 1 tell me why not working png ?

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