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Thread: differences between debian and ubuntu (ubuntu core)


have embeded device using u-boot boot kernel 2.6.38 compiled source. kernel stored on nand flash memory. rootfs sits on sd card. kernel compiled source. kernel boots flash , mounts sdcard, , starts using fs finds there. device uses arm processor.

if use romfs created debian squeeze works expected. kernel boots, mounts , starts running rootfs.

if use ubuntu rootfs (using ubuntu-core-11.10-core-armel.tar.gz)
>> request_module: runaway loop modprobe binfmt-464c
after fs mounted. googling error says files on fs being wrong type processor 'file' command says, /bin/bash

bash: elf 32-bit lsb executable, arm, version 1 (sysv), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), gnu/linux 2.6.16, stripped (ubuntu)
bash: elf 32-bit lsb executable, arm, version 1 (sysv), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), gnu/linux 2.6.18, stripped (debian)

know the kernel version can not significant. or can it? have upgraded kernel source without changing each , every executable on system, i'm guessing not. otherwise files same format. besides i'm using 2.6.38 kernel match neither , debian works fine.

/sbin/init 'file' command gives strange output ubuntu:

init: elf 32-bit lsb shared object, arm, version 1 (sysv), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), gnu/linux 2.6.16, stripped (ubuntu)
init: elf 32-bit lsb executable, arm, version 1 (sysv), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), gnu/linux 2.6.18, stripped (debian)

im not sure how significant can be, debian init executable , ubuntu shared object? why init shared object on ubuntu?

or perhaps problem simpler. issue wrong kernel boot parameter, im using:
root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 noinitrd console=ttysac0,115200 init=/sbin/init

perhaps ubuntu puts things in different place , need tell kernel look.
again on wrong track altogether.



i don't know answer sure, /sbin/init part of upstart package on ubuntu, totally different init system debian uses (sysv-init). they're not same piece of software, though they're both called "init".

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