Correct jar lib for android ane


i want compile ane ant. there problem. ane not works.

i realized experimentally problem in jar file: if export jar eclipse ide, ane works correctly. if compile jar ant not works. both jar files similar , can`t find difference.

jdk verion 1.7.0(upd.40)

this ant fragment:


<property name="flex_home" value="c:/program files (x86)/flexsdk/4.11.0/"/>  <property name="fre.lib" value="${flex_home}/lib/android/flashruntimeextensions.jar" /> <property name="android.lib" value="c:/program files (x86)/android sdk/sdk/platforms/android-10/android.jar" />  <target name="compile.classes" description="compile java classes">      <javac destdir="temp/java_classes" classpath="${fre.lib}:${android.lib}" fork="true">           <src path="${java.classes}"/>      </javac> </target>  <target name="compile.jar" description="make jar lib">      <jar destfile="temp/libs/lib.jar">           <fileset dir="temp/java_classes">                <include name="**/*.class"/>           </fileset>      </jar> </target> 


how compile jar lib correctly? maybe lost java comliler parameters?

have @ ane:


the ant files in build folder.

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