Dreamweaver slow loading after Maverick update
i watched in console dreamweaver started in mac, taking minutes, , saw this:
nov 20 11:57:51 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "american typewriter condensed light" , got font postscript name "americantypewriter-condensedlight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:51 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: set breakpoint on ctfontlogsuboptimalrequest debug.
nov 20 11:57:51 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lisong pro" , got font postscript name "lisongpro". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:51 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bankgothic md bt medium" , got font postscript name "bankgothicbt-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:51 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt serif bold italic" , got font postscript name "ptserif-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:51 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis semisans bold 75" , got font postscript name "rotissemisans-extrabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nueva std condensed italic" , got font postscript name "nuevastd-conditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe caslon pro bold italic" , got font postscript name "acaslonpro-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro condensed italic" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-condit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tw cen mt italic" , got font postscript name "twcenmt-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lato italic" , got font postscript name "lato-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro black" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lato hairline" , got font postscript name "lato-hairline". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "american typewriter light" , got font postscript name "americantypewriter-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad hebrew bold italic" , got font postscript name "myriadhebrew-boldit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "mt extra" , got font postscript name "mt-extra". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cafeta" , got font postscript name "cafeta". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tamil sangam mn" , got font postscript name "tamilsangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad arabic" , got font postscript name "myriadarabic-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:52 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "decotype naskh" , got font postscript name "decotypenaskh". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:53 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "noteworthy light" , got font postscript name "noteworthy-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:53 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro semibold subhead" , got font postscript name "arnopro-smbdsubhead". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:53 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "audimat bold" , got font postscript name "audimat-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:53 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt serif bold" , got font postscript name "ptserif-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:53 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica cy bold" , got font postscript name "helveticacy-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:53 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "perpetua bold" , got font postscript name "perpetua-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:53 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "georgia bold italic" , got font postscript name "georgia-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:53 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bookman old style bold italic" , got font postscript name "bookmanoldstyle-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "corbel italic" , got font postscript name "corbel-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "trebuchet ms bold" , got font postscript name "trebuchetms-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "letter gothic std medium" , got font postscript name "lettergothicstd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro semibold italic subhead" , got font postscript name "arnopro-smbditalicsubhead". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "meiryo bold italic" , got font postscript name "meiryo-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "major snafu" , got font postscript name "majorsnafu". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe arabic italic" , got font postscript name "adobearabic-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gujarati mt bold" , got font postscript name "gujaratimt-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "minion pro medium" , got font postscript name "minionpro-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cancan de bois" , got font postscript name "cancandebois". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial bold" , got font postscript name "arial-boldmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nanami rounded extralight" , got font postscript name "nanami-rounded-exlt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "aller display" , got font postscript name "allerdisplay". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:54 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho pro l" , got font postscript name "kozminpro-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:55 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "headlinea regular" , got font postscript name "jcheada". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:55 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "superclarendon light italic" , got font postscript name "superclarendon-lightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:55 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple symbols" , got font postscript name "applesymbols". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:55 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "damascus bold" , got font postscript name "damascusbold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:55 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad hebrew bold" , got font postscript name "myriadhebrew-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:55 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cooper std black" , got font postscript name "cooperblackstd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:55 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "josefin sans bold" , got font postscript name "josefinsans-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:55 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tamil sangam mn bold" , got font postscript name "tamilsangammn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:55 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lantinghei tc heavy" , got font postscript name "fzltthb--b51-0". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:55 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe devanagari italic" , got font postscript name "adobedevanagari-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:55 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro light display" , got font postscript name "arnopro-lightdisplay". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:55 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "song regular" , got font postscript name "sil-song-reg-jian". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:56 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida bright demibold" , got font postscript name "lucidabright-demi". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:56 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "seravek extralight italic" , got font postscript name "seravek-extralightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:56 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "stencil std bold" , got font postscript name "stencilstd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:56 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hoefler text black" , got font postscript name "hoeflertext-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:56 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir book" , got font postscript name "avenir-book". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:56 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple braille pinpoint 8 dot" , got font postscript name "applebraille-pinpoint8dot". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:56 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chaparral pro italic" , got font postscript name "chaparralpro-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:56 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "queen rosie" , got font postscript name "queenrosie". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:56 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple sd gothic neo medium" , got font postscript name "applesdgothicneo-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:56 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rosewood std" , got font postscript name "rosewoodstd-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:57 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino sans gb w6" , got font postscript name "hiraginosansgb-w6". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:57 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source sans pro light" , got font postscript name "sourcesanspro-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:57 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alegreya bold italic" , got font postscript name "alegreya-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:57 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "charlemagne std" , got font postscript name "charlemagnestd-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:57 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica cy plain" , got font postscript name "helveticacy-plain". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:57 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cambria bold" , got font postscript name "cambria-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:57 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "blackoak std" , got font postscript name "blackoakstd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:57 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro semibold display" , got font postscript name "arnopro-smbddisplay". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:57 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alegreya black italic" , got font postscript name "alegreya-blackitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:57 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "museo slab 500 italic" , got font postscript name "museoslab-500italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:57 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic std m" , got font postscript name "kozgostd-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:57 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo gothic std el" , got font postscript name "ryogothicstd-extralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:58 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "news gothic std oblique" , got font postscript name "newsgothicstd-oblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:58 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "thonburi light" , got font postscript name "thonburi-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:58 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir medium oblique" , got font postscript name "avenir-mediumoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:58 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tw cen mt bold" , got font postscript name "twcenmt-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:58 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "minion pro semibold italic" , got font postscript name "minionpro-semiboldit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:58 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "libre baskerville italic" , got font postscript name "librebaskerville-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:58 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "curlz mt" , got font postscript name "curlzmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:58 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "athelas bold italic" , got font postscript name "athelas-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:58 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino kaku gothic pro w3" , got font postscript name "hirakakupro-w3". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:59 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "corsiva hebrew" , got font postscript name "corsivahebrew". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:59 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans" , got font postscript name "gillsans". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:59 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "iowan old style bold italic" , got font postscript name "iowanoldstyle-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:59 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "yuanti sc regular" , got font postscript name "styuanti-sc-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:59 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis serif 55" , got font postscript name "rotisserif". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:59 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "minion pro bold cond" , got font postscript name "minionpro-boldcn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:59 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "telugu sangam mn bold" , got font postscript name "telugusangammn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:59 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro bold italic display" , got font postscript name "arnopro-bolditalicdisplay". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:59 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "songti tc bold" , got font postscript name "stsongti-tc-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:59 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kaiti sc regular" , got font postscript name "stkaiti-sc-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:57:59 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "optima regular" , got font postscript name "optima-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myanmar sangam mn" , got font postscript name "myanmarsangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next condensed heavy italic" , got font postscript name "avenirnextcondensed-heavyitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "heroid bold" , got font postscript name "heroid-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe arabic bold" , got font postscript name "adobearabic-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "menlo italic" , got font postscript name "menlo-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir light" , got font postscript name "avenir-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "jazz let plain:1.0" , got font postscript name "jazzletplain". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "england hand db" , got font postscript name "englandhanddb". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kai regular" , got font postscript name "sil-kai-reg-jian". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hannotate sc regular" , got font postscript name "hannotatesc-w5". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe caslon pro bold" , got font postscript name "acaslonpro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe garamond pro italic" , got font postscript name "agaramondpro-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "jaghbub bold" , got font postscript name "jaghbub-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alex brush" , got font postscript name "alexbrush-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lihei pro" , got font postscript name "liheipro". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hannotate sc bold" , got font postscript name "hannotatesc-w7". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arizonia" , got font postscript name "arizonia-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "palatino linotype bold" , got font postscript name "palatinolinotype-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "yuanti sc bold" , got font postscript name "styuanti-sc-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gungseo regular" , got font postscript name "jckg". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next condensed ultra light italic" , got font postscript name "avenirnextcondensed-ultralightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kaiti tc bold" , got font postscript name "stkaiti-tc-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "calisto mt bold" , got font postscript name "calismtbol". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe caslon pro semibold" , got font postscript name "acaslonpro-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro bold" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe myungjo std m" , got font postscript name "adobemyungjostd-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kefa regular" , got font postscript name "kefa-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida calligraphy italic" , got font postscript name "lucidacalligraphy-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:00 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "baskerville bold italic" , got font postscript name "baskerville-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "abadi mt condensed light" , got font postscript name "abadimt-condensedlight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "quicksand bold regular" , got font postscript name "quicksandbold-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "times new roman italic" , got font postscript name "timesnewromanps-italicmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "palatino" , got font postscript name "palatino-roman". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "aller bold italic" , got font postscript name "aller-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ds arabic" , got font postscript name "dsarabic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "courier oblique" , got font postscript name "courier-oblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "josefin sans light" , got font postscript name "josefinsans-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kannada sangam mn" , got font postscript name "kannadasangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "marion italic" , got font postscript name "marion-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nueva std bold" , got font postscript name "nuevastd-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "plantagenet cherokee" , got font postscript name "plantagenetcherokee". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "menlo bold italic" , got font postscript name "menlo-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dancing script ot regular" , got font postscript name "dancingscriptot". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alegreya sc bold" , got font postscript name "alegreyasc-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "marion regular" , got font postscript name "marion-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "microsoft himalaya" , got font postscript name "microsofthimalaya". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic pro b" , got font postscript name "kozgopro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "fang song regular" , got font postscript name "sil-fangsong-reg-jian". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "xingkai sc bold" , got font postscript name "stxingkai-sc-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nueva std light" , got font postscript name "nuevastd-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chalkboard se light" , got font postscript name "chalkboardse-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "menlo bold" , got font postscript name "menlo-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "didot bold" , got font postscript name "didot-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "eurostile" , got font postscript name "eurostileregular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "architects daughter regular" , got font postscript name "architectsdaughter". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans ultrabold" , got font postscript name "gillsans-ultrabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida sans typewriter oblique" , got font postscript name "lucidasans-typewriteroblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "raanana bold" , got font postscript name "raananabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:01 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino sans gb w3" , got font postscript name "hiraginosansgb-w3". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho std b" , got font postscript name "kozminstd-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chaparral pro light" , got font postscript name "chaparralpro-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cantarell regular" , got font postscript name "cantarell-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "copperplate gothic light" , got font postscript name "copperplategothic-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hobo std medium" , got font postscript name "hobostd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "century gothic bold" , got font postscript name "centurygothic-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "malayalam sangam mn bold" , got font postscript name "malayalamsangammn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica cy boldoblique" , got font postscript name "helveticacy-boldoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe caslon pro italic" , got font postscript name "acaslonpro-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad std sketch" , got font postscript name "myriadstd-sketch". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro bold italic caption" , got font postscript name "arnopro-bolditaliccaption". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis sans serif bold 75" , got font postscript name "rotissansserif-extrabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tekton pro bold" , got font postscript name "tektonpro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo gothic std uh" , got font postscript name "ryogothicstd-ultraheavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho pro h" , got font postscript name "kozminpro-heavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic pro l" , got font postscript name "kozgopro-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nanami rounded book" , got font postscript name "nanami-rounded-book". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bell mt" , got font postscript name "bellmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next condensed demi bold" , got font postscript name "avenirnextcondensed-demibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kannada mn" , got font postscript name "kannadamn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "af modulepressureot monolight" , got font postscript name "afmodulepressureot-monolight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida grande bold" , got font postscript name "lucidagrande-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "baskerville semibold italic" , got font postscript name "baskerville-semibolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "fertigo regular" , got font postscript name "fertigo-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino kaku gothic std w8" , got font postscript name "hirakakustd-w8". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica bold" , got font postscript name "helvetica-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "sinhala mn" , got font postscript name "sinhalamn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida sans demibold roman" , got font postscript name "lucidasans-demi". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "book antiqua" , got font postscript name "bookantiqua". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe gothic std b" , got font postscript name "adobegothicstd-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "fontdinerdotcom sparkly" , got font postscript name "fontdinerdotcomsparkly". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "eurostile bold" , got font postscript name "eurostilebold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro bold italic smtext" , got font postscript name "arnopro-bolditalicsmtext". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro caption" , got font postscript name "arnopro-caption". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe arabic bold italic" , got font postscript name "adobearabic-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source sans pro black" , got font postscript name "sourcesanspro-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bangla sangam mn bold" , got font postscript name "banglasangammn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "seravek italic" , got font postscript name "seravek-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "wingdings 3" , got font postscript name "wingdings3". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida sans typewriter regular" , got font postscript name "lucidasans-typewriter". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alegreya sc bold italic" , got font postscript name "alegreyasc-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chaparral pro semibold italic" , got font postscript name "chaparralpro-semiboldit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cataneo bt" , got font postscript name "cataneobt-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bernard mt condensed" , got font postscript name "bernardmt-condensed". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:02 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "euphemia ucas" , got font postscript name "euphemiaucas". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "eurofurence light italic" , got font postscript name "eurofurencelightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "superclarendon black italic" , got font postscript name "superclarendon-blackitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "engravers mt bold" , got font postscript name "engraversmt-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "zapf dingbats" , got font postscript name "zapfdingbatsitc". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "mshtakan bold" , got font postscript name "mshtakanbold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir heavy" , got font postscript name "avenir-heavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue italic" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "century schoolbook bold" , got font postscript name "centuryschoolbook-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "garamond bold" , got font postscript name "garamond-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "palatino linotype" , got font postscript name "palatinolinotype-roman". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "caflisch script pro bold" , got font postscript name "caflischscriptpro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "euphemia ucas bold" , got font postscript name "euphemiaucas-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bodoni svtytwo itc tt book" , got font postscript name "bodonisvtytwoitctt-book". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dosis semibold" , got font postscript name "dosis-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ms pgothic" , got font postscript name "ms-pgothic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "din alternate bold" , got font postscript name "dinalternate-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lao mn bold" , got font postscript name "laomn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "motel king" , got font postscript name "motelking". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source code pro bold" , got font postscript name "sourcecodepro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "trajan pro" , got font postscript name "trajanpro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "times cy bold" , got font postscript name "timescy-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro italic caption" , got font postscript name "arnopro-italiccaption". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source sans pro semibold italic" , got font postscript name "sourcesanspro-semiboldit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "monaco cy" , got font postscript name "monacocy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "minion pro medium italic" , got font postscript name "minionpro-mediumit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "century schoolbook italic" , got font postscript name "centuryschoolbook-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nueva std condensed" , got font postscript name "nuevastd-cond". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "synchro let" , got font postscript name "synchrolet". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe caslon pro semibold italic" , got font postscript name "acaslonpro-semibolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans mt" , got font postscript name "gillsansmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chaparral pro light italic" , got font postscript name "chaparralpro-lightit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "brush script std medium" , got font postscript name "brushscriptstd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro bold caption" , got font postscript name "arnopro-boldcaption". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "orator std slanted" , got font postscript name "oratorstd-slanted". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "quicksand book regular" , got font postscript name "quicksandbook-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis sans serif 55" , got font postscript name "rotissansserif". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic std l" , got font postscript name "kozgostd-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ms reference sans serif" , got font postscript name "msreferencesansserif". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida sans italic" , got font postscript name "lucidasans-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic pr6n r" , got font postscript name "kozgopr6n-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica oblique" , got font postscript name "helvetica-oblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "charter bold" , got font postscript name "charter-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lithos pro black" , got font postscript name "lithospro-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe garamond pro" , got font postscript name "agaramondpro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tekton pro bold oblique" , got font postscript name "tektonpro-boldobl". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:03 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "skia regular" , got font postscript name "skia-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "menlo regular" , got font postscript name "menlo-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source code pro" , got font postscript name "sourcecodepro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe kaiti std r" , got font postscript name "adobekaitistd-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "yumincho demibold" , got font postscript name "yumin-demibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "din condensed bold" , got font postscript name "dincondensed-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source sans pro extralight italic" , got font postscript name "sourcesanspro-extralightit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "minion pro bold" , got font postscript name "minionpro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "courier new italic" , got font postscript name "couriernewps-italicmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic pr6n l" , got font postscript name "kozgopr6n-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "blackmoor let plain:2.0" , got font postscript name "blackmoorletplain". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "eccentric std" , got font postscript name "eccentricstd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "geeza pro" , got font postscript name "geezapro". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "secret recipe" , got font postscript name "secretrecipe". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho pr6n b" , got font postscript name "kozminpr6n-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue bold" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial bold italic" , got font postscript name "arial-bolditalicmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "trebuchet ms bold italic" , got font postscript name "trebuchet-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "candara italic" , got font postscript name "candara-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bodoni svtytwo itc tt bookita" , got font postscript name "bodonisvtytwoitctt-bookita". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple sd gothic neo regular" , got font postscript name "applesdgothicneo-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt sans" , got font postscript name "ptsans-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lantinghei tc demibold" , got font postscript name "fzltzhb--b51-0". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis semisans light 45" , got font postscript name "rotissemisans-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:04 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next ultra light italic" , got font postscript name "avenirnext-ultralightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lato bold italic" , got font postscript name "lato-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cooper std black italic" , got font postscript name "cooperblackstd-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica bold oblique" , got font postscript name "helvetica-boldoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nanum brush script" , got font postscript name "nanumbrush". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "palatino bold" , got font postscript name "palatino-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro condensed" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-cond". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cantarell bold" , got font postscript name "cantarell-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gurmukhi mn bold" , got font postscript name "gurmukhimn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "heiti tc medium" , got font postscript name "stheititc-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "weibei sc bold" , got font postscript name "hanzipensc-w5". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis semiserif bold 65" , got font postscript name "rotissemiserif-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro bold subhead" , got font postscript name "arnopro-boldsubhead". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic pro r" , got font postscript name "kozgopro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "letter gothic std slanted" , got font postscript name "lettergothicstd-slanted". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myanmar mn bold" , got font postscript name "myanmarmn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dfpgyosho-lt" , got font postscript name "dfgyosho-lt-mp-rksj-h". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dosis book" , got font postscript name "dosis-book". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt sans bold italic" , got font postscript name "ptsans-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple ligothic medium" , got font postscript name "ligothicmed". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gloucester mt condensed" , got font postscript name "gloucestermt-extracondensed". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bernhard modern std bold" , got font postscript name "bernhardmodernstd-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "weibei tc bold" , got font postscript name "weibei-tc-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida handwriting italic" , got font postscript name "lucidahandwriting-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "franklin gothic medium" , got font postscript name "franklingothic-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue medium" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lithos pro" , got font postscript name "lithospro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro bold italic subhead" , got font postscript name "arnopro-bolditalicsubhead". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "news gothic mt italic" , got font postscript name "newsgothicmt-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "titilliumtext14l 250 wt" , got font postscript name "titilliumtext14l-250wt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "diwan kufi" , got font postscript name "diwankufi". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source sans pro" , got font postscript name "sourcesanspro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "seravek bold" , got font postscript name "seravek-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro smtext" , got font postscript name "arnopro-smtext". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida sans demibold italic" , got font postscript name "lucidasans-demiitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gujarati sangam mn" , got font postscript name "gujaratisangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "times roman" , got font postscript name "times-roman". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe garamond pro bold" , got font postscript name "agaramondpro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro semibold smtext" , got font postscript name "arnopro-smbdsmtext". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "marker felt thin" , got font postscript name "markerfelt-thin". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe caslon pro" , got font postscript name "acaslonpro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad hebrew italic" , got font postscript name "myriadhebrew-it". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "charlemagne std bold" , got font postscript name "charlemagnestd-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lato light" , got font postscript name "lato-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo display std m" , got font postscript name "ryodispstd-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica cy oblique" , got font postscript name "helveticacy-oblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bell gothic std black" , got font postscript name "bellgothicstd-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe gurmukhi" , got font postscript name "adobegurmukhi-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rockwell bold" , got font postscript name "rockwell-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cambria bold italic" , got font postscript name "cambria-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alegreya black" , got font postscript name "alegreya-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "minion pro italic" , got font postscript name "minionpro-it". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "asap" , got font postscript name "asap-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "new peninim mt" , got font postscript name "newpeninimmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe fangsong std r" , got font postscript name "adobefangsongstd-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho std l" , got font postscript name "kozminstd-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro bold display" , got font postscript name "arnopro-bolddisplay". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "perpetua titling mt light" , got font postscript name "perpetuatitlingmt-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "times cy bolditalic" , got font postscript name "timescy-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bellcent namnum bt name , number" , got font postscript name "bellcentennialbt-nameandnumber". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis sans serif italic 56" , got font postscript name "rotissansserif-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe gurmukhi bold" , got font postscript name "adobegurmukhi-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bauhaus 93" , got font postscript name "bauhaus93". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source sans pro semibold" , got font postscript name "sourcesanspro-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tekton pro bold condensed" , got font postscript name "tektonpro-boldcond". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "devanagari mt bold" , got font postscript name "devanagarimt-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt mono" , got font postscript name "ptmono-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nueva std italic" , got font postscript name "nuevastd-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "diavlo book regular" , got font postscript name "diavlobook-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt serif" , got font postscript name "ptserif-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "birch std" , got font postscript name "birchstd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "iowan old style titling" , got font postscript name "iowanoldstyle-titling". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "palatino linotype italic" , got font postscript name "palatinolinotype-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source code pro light" , got font postscript name "sourcecodepro-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bernhard modern std bold italic" , got font postscript name "bernhardmodernstd-boldit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "devanagari sangam mn" , got font postscript name "devanagarisangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "charter black" , got font postscript name "charter-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "malayalam sangam mn" , got font postscript name "malayalamsangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "mshtakan oblique" , got font postscript name "mshtakanoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "news gothic std medium" , got font postscript name "newsgothicstd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source code pro extralight" , got font postscript name "sourcecodepro-extralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "songti sc bold" , got font postscript name "stsongti-sc-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "comic sans ms" , got font postscript name "comicsansms". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "songti tc regular" , got font postscript name "stsongti-tc-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans light italic" , got font postscript name "gillsans-lightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "devanagari sangam mn bold" , got font postscript name "devanagarisangammn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nueva std bold condensed italic" , got font postscript name "nuevastd-boldconditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "iowan old style italic" , got font postscript name "iowanoldstyle-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis semisans 55" , got font postscript name "rotissemisans". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:06 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "monotype corsiva" , got font postscript name "monotypecorsiva". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "century gothic italic" , got font postscript name "centurygothic-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "baskerville semibold" , got font postscript name "baskerville-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple sd gothic neo heavy" , got font postscript name "applesdgothicneo-heavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "copperplate gothic bold" , got font postscript name "copperplategothic-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro" , got font postscript name "arnopro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe ming std l" , got font postscript name "adobemingstd-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alegreya sc italic" , got font postscript name "alegreyasc-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt sans narrow bold" , got font postscript name "ptsans-narrowbold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida sans unicode" , got font postscript name "lucidasansunicode". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir oblique" , got font postscript name "avenir-oblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino kaku gothic pron w3" , got font postscript name "hirakakupron-w3". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro bold condensed" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-boldcond". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "al nile bold" , got font postscript name "alnile-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple braille pinpoint 6 dot" , got font postscript name "applebraille-pinpoint6dot". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tahoma negreta" , got font postscript name "tahoma-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "baoli sc regular" , got font postscript name "stbaoli-sc-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro italic" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-it". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "minion pro semibold" , got font postscript name "minionpro-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "emblem chief" , got font postscript name "emblemchief". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hannotate tc regular" , got font postscript name "hannotatetc-w5". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino kaku gothic stdn w8" , got font postscript name "hirakakustdn-w8". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple sd gothic neo thin" , got font postscript name "applesdgothicneo-thin". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hannotate tc bold" , got font postscript name "hannotatetc-w7". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nanummyeongjo bold" , got font postscript name "nanummyeongjobold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe fan heiti std b" , got font postscript name "adobefanheitistd-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "minion pro bold italic" , got font postscript name "minionpro-boldit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "al bayan bold" , got font postscript name "albayan-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro light italic" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-lightit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans semibold" , got font postscript name "gillsans-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "aller bold" , got font postscript name "aller-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "damascus semi bold" , got font postscript name "damascussemibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bodoni svtytwo os itc tt bold" , got font postscript name "bodonisvtytwoositctt-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "book antiqua italic" , got font postscript name "bookantiqua-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "courier bold" , got font postscript name "courier-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "santa fe let plain:1.0" , got font postscript name "santafeletplain". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next condensed regular" , got font postscript name "avenirnextcondensed-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lato light italic" , got font postscript name "lato-lightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "candara bold" , got font postscript name "candara-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo display std eb" , got font postscript name "ryodispstd-extrabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "aller italic" , got font postscript name "aller-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple chancery" , got font postscript name "apple-chancery". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "brush script mt italic" , got font postscript name "brushscriptmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dfpleisho-sb" , got font postscript name "dfleisho-sb-mp-rksj-h". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho std r" , got font postscript name "kozminstd-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "portagoitc tt" , got font postscript name "portagoitctt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro bold" , got font postscript name "arnopro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "oriya sangam mn" , got font postscript name "oriyasangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "titilliumtext14l 400 wt" , got font postscript name "titilliumtext14l-400wt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida grande" , got font postscript name "lucidagrande". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gurmukhi sangam mn" , got font postscript name "gurmukhisangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "titilliumtext14l 600 wt" , got font postscript name "titilliumtext14l-600wt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "optima bold" , got font postscript name "optima-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "josefin sans" , got font postscript name "josefinsans". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lantinghei sc extralight" , got font postscript name "fzltxhk--gbk1-0". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "songti tc light" , got font postscript name "stsongti-tc-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nueva std bold italic" , got font postscript name "nuevastd-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue bold italic" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "consolas bold" , got font postscript name "consolas-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "copperplate light" , got font postscript name "copperplate-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tamil mn" , got font postscript name "tamilmn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis semiserif 55" , got font postscript name "rotissemiserif". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino maru gothic pron w4" , got font postscript name "hiramarupron-w4". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial narrow" , got font postscript name "arialnarrow". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans mt italic" , got font postscript name "gillsansmt-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho pro el" , got font postscript name "kozminpro-extralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "palatino linotype bold italic" , got font postscript name "palatinolinotype-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cambria italic" , got font postscript name "cambria-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adrenaline bold" , got font postscript name "adrenaline-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "times new roman" , got font postscript name "timesnewromanpsmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial narrow bold" , got font postscript name "arialnarrow-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic std h" , got font postscript name "kozgostd-heavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source sans pro extralight" , got font postscript name "sourcesanspro-extralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:08 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho std h" , got font postscript name "kozminstd-heavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida fax demibold italic" , got font postscript name "lucidafax-demiitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe garamond pro bold italic" , got font postscript name "agaramondpro-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "square meal hearty" , got font postscript name "squaremealhearty". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "audimat bold italic" , got font postscript name "audimat-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kino mt" , got font postscript name "kinomt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "josefin sans semibold italic" , got font postscript name "josefinsans-semibolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alegreya sc black italic" , got font postscript name "alegreyasc-blackitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "euphemia ucas italic" , got font postscript name "euphemiaucas-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "freestyle script" , got font postscript name "freestylescript-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alegreya sc black" , got font postscript name "alegreyasc-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic pr6n h" , got font postscript name "kozgopr6n-heavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "giddyup std" , got font postscript name "giddyupstd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cochin bold" , got font postscript name "cochin-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "colonna mt" , got font postscript name "colonnamt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue thin" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-thin". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "muna black" , got font postscript name "munablack". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial" , got font postscript name "arialmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho pr6n el" , got font postscript name "kozminpr6n-extralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tekton pro bold extended" , got font postscript name "tektonpro-boldext". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "snell roundhand" , got font postscript name "snellroundhand". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source code pro black" , got font postscript name "sourcecodepro-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "wingdings" , got font postscript name "wingdings-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "iowan old style black" , got font postscript name "iowanoldstyle-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chalkboard se regular" , got font postscript name "chalkboardse-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "quicksand bold oblique regular" , got font postscript name "quicksandboldoblique-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "book antiqua bold italic" , got font postscript name "bookantiqua-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "telugu sangam mn" , got font postscript name "telugusangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida bright" , got font postscript name "lucidabright". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bickham script pro bold" , got font postscript name "bickhamscriptpro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "times bold" , got font postscript name "times-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "seravek light" , got font postscript name "seravek-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho pr6n l" , got font postscript name "kozminpr6n-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida console" , got font postscript name "lucidaconsole". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "minion pro bold cond italic" , got font postscript name "minionpro-boldcnit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad web pro" , got font postscript name "myriadwebpro". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "country store" , got font postscript name "countrystore". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho pro b" , got font postscript name "kozminpro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple sd gothic neo semibold" , got font postscript name "applesdgothicneo-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple braille outline 6 dot" , got font postscript name "applebraille-outline6dot". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bell mt italic" , got font postscript name "bellmtitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rosewood std fill" , got font postscript name "rosewoodstd-fill". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt sans caption" , got font postscript name "ptsans-caption". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "telugu mn bold" , got font postscript name "telugumn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "baskerville old face" , got font postscript name "baskoldface". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bell gothic std bold" , got font postscript name "bellgothicstd-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "athelas bold" , got font postscript name "athelas-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida sans regular" , got font postscript name "lucidasans". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "mingliu_hkscs" , got font postscript name "ming-lt-hkscs-uni-h". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho pro m" , got font postscript name "kozminpro-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "square meal" , got font postscript name "squaremeal". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic std b" , got font postscript name "kozgostd-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dosis medium" , got font postscript name "dosis-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "iowan old style roman" , got font postscript name "iowanoldstyle-roman". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino kaku gothic pro w6" , got font postscript name "hirakakupro-w6". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans light" , got font postscript name "gillsans-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "trajan pro bold" , got font postscript name "trajanpro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "courier new" , got font postscript name "couriernewpsmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "baskerville italic" , got font postscript name "baskerville-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "diavlo medium regular" , got font postscript name "diavlomedium-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "muna bold" , got font postscript name "munabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir book oblique" , got font postscript name "avenir-bookoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "superclarendon italic" , got font postscript name "superclarendon-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chaparral pro bold" , got font postscript name "chaparralpro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "georgia italic" , got font postscript name "georgia-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chicken basket" , got font postscript name "chickenbasket". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "sinhala mn bold" , got font postscript name "sinhalamn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "sinhala sangam mn" , got font postscript name "sinhalasangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "calibri light" , got font postscript name "calibri-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "quicksand light oblique regular" , got font postscript name "quicksandlightoblique-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chalkboard bold" , got font postscript name "chalkboard-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe devanagari bold italic" , got font postscript name "adobedevanagari-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic pro m" , got font postscript name "kozgopro-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "spinach outline" , got font postscript name "spinachoutline". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo display std sb" , got font postscript name "ryodispstd-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir roman" , got font postscript name "avenir-roman". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source code pro semibold" , got font postscript name "sourcecodepro-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bookshelf symbol 7" , got font postscript name "bookshelfsymbolseven". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "josefin sans light italic" , got font postscript name "josefinsans-lightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "athelas regular" , got font postscript name "athelas-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next demi bold" , got font postscript name "avenirnext-demibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic std el" , got font postscript name "kozgostd-extralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "corbel bold italic" , got font postscript name "corbel-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "jaghbub italic" , got font postscript name "jaghbub-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "sweet rosie" , got font postscript name "sweetrosie". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pcmyungjo regular" , got font postscript name "jcsmpc". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "eurofurence italic" , got font postscript name "eurofurenceitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic std r" , got font postscript name "kozgostd-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "news gothic std bold oblique" , got font postscript name "newsgothicstd-boldoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "seravek light italic" , got font postscript name "seravek-lightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kaiti sc black" , got font postscript name "stkaiti-sc-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tamil mn bold" , got font postscript name "tamilmn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad web pro bold" , got font postscript name "myriadwebpro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo gothic std m" , got font postscript name "ryogothicstd-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "charter italic" , got font postscript name "charter-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans italic" , got font postscript name "gillsans-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt serif caption" , got font postscript name "ptserif-caption". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "calibri italic" , got font postscript name "calibri-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt mono bold" , got font postscript name "ptmono-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "af_riyadh normal traditional" , got font postscript name "af_riyadh-normaltraditional". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next heavy" , got font postscript name "avenirnext-heavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe song std l" , got font postscript name "adobesongstd-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kannada sangam mn bold" , got font postscript name "kannadasangammn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "orator std medium" , got font postscript name "oratorstd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "candara bold italic" , got font postscript name "candara-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bradley hand itc tt bold" , got font postscript name "bradleyhanditctt-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cfp alternates" , got font postscript name "cfpalternates". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bernhard modern std roman" , got font postscript name "bernhardmodernstd-roman". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nueva std" , got font postscript name "nuevastd-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "times new roman bold italic" , got font postscript name "timesnewromanps-bolditalicmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial narrow bold italic" , got font postscript name "arialnarrow-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ms mincho" , got font postscript name "ms-mincho". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "verdana bold italic" , got font postscript name "verdana-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro bold smtext" , got font postscript name "arnopro-boldsmtext". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "jaghbub bold italic" , got font postscript name "jaghbub-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial rounded mt bold" , got font postscript name "arialroundedmtbold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "minion pro" , got font postscript name "minionpro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cochin italic" , got font postscript name "cochin-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue medium italic" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-mediumitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "noteworthy bold" , got font postscript name "noteworthy-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "applemyungjo regular" , got font postscript name "applemyungjo". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis sans serif bold 65" , got font postscript name "rotissansserif-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida bright italic" , got font postscript name "lucidabright-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hoefler text ornaments" , got font postscript name "hoeflertext-ornaments". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro display" , got font postscript name "arnopro-display". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next condensed bold" , got font postscript name "avenirnextcondensed-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "superclarendon regular" , got font postscript name "superclarendon-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica light oblique" , got font postscript name "helvetica-lightoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "asap bold italic" , got font postscript name "asap-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "yuppy tc regular" , got font postscript name "yuppytc-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "museo slab 500" , got font postscript name "museoslab-500". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe naskh medium" , got font postscript name "adobenaskh-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nanummyeongjo extrabold" , got font postscript name "nanummyeongjoextrabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho pro r" , got font postscript name "kozminpro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "iowan old style bold" , got font postscript name "iowanoldstyle-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "times italic" , got font postscript name "times-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "heiti tc light" , got font postscript name "stheititc-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bordeaux roman bold let plain:1.0" , got font postscript name "bordeauxromanboldletplain". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bookman old style bold" , got font postscript name "bookmanoldstyle-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "futura condensed extrabold" , got font postscript name "futura-condensedextrabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "titilliumtext14l 800 wt" , got font postscript name "titilliumtext14l-800wt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bickham script pro semibold" , got font postscript name "bickhamscriptpro-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "devanagari mt" , got font postscript name "devanagarimt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "maiandra gd" , got font postscript name "maiandragd-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "josefin sans semibold" , got font postscript name "josefinsans-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "audimat regular" , got font postscript name "audimat-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "century schoolbook bold italic" , got font postscript name "centuryschoolbook-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "caflisch script pro" , got font postscript name "caflischscriptpro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nueva std bold condensed" , got font postscript name "nuevastd-boldcond". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "al bayan plain" , got font postscript name "albayan". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lantinghei tc extralight" , got font postscript name "fzltxhb--b51-0". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "yuanti sc light" , got font postscript name "styuanti-sc-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "thonburi bold" , got font postscript name "thonburi-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "american typewriter condensed" , got font postscript name "americantypewriter-condensed". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pilgi regular" , got font postscript name "jcfg". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo display std b" , got font postscript name "ryodispstd-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "microsoft sans serif" , got font postscript name "microsoftsansserif". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "josefin sans italic" , got font postscript name "josefinsans-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "matura mt script capitals" , got font postscript name "maturamtscriptcapitals". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe hebrew italic" , got font postscript name "adobehebrew-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida sans typewriter bold oblique" , got font postscript name "lucidasans-typewriterboldoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro italic smtext" , got font postscript name "arnopro-italicsmtext". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo text std m" , got font postscript name "ryotextstd-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rockwell bold italic" , got font postscript name "rockwell-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:12 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir light oblique" , got font postscript name "avenir-lightoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next condensed heavy" , got font postscript name "avenirnextcondensed-heavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo text std l" , got font postscript name "ryotextstd-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "eurofurence light" , got font postscript name "eurofurencelight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "savoye let plain:1.0" , got font postscript name "savoyeletplain". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "titilliumtext14l 999 wt" , got font postscript name "titilliumtext14l-999wt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "corbel bold" , got font postscript name "corbel-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro semibold italic" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-semiboldit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "meiryo italic" , got font postscript name "meiryo-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "franklin gothic book italic" , got font postscript name "franklingothic-bookitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "garamond italic" , got font postscript name "garamond-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "yumincho medium" , got font postscript name "yumin-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino maru gothic pro w4" , got font postscript name "hiramarupro-w4". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "palatino bold italic" , got font postscript name "palatino-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple sd gothic neo light" , got font postscript name "applesdgothicneo-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "diavlo light regular" , got font postscript name "diavlolight-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "snell roundhand black" , got font postscript name "snellroundhand-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hanzipen tc regular" , got font postscript name "hanzipentc-w3". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "mongolian baiti" , got font postscript name "mongolianbaiti". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "malayalam mn" , got font postscript name "malayalammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hanzipen tc bold" , got font postscript name "hanzipentc-w5". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dosis extralight" , got font postscript name "dosis-extralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "news gothic mt bold" , got font postscript name "newsgothicmt-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro bold italic" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-boldit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "goudy old style italic" , got font postscript name "goudyoldstylet-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dosis bold" , got font postscript name "dosis-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "handwriting - dakota" , got font postscript name "handwriting-dakota". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "consolas italic" , got font postscript name "consolas-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bangla mn" , got font postscript name "banglamn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo gothic std r" , got font postscript name "ryogothicstd-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis serif bold 65" , got font postscript name "rotisserif-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "trajan pro 3" , got font postscript name "trajanpro3-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "asap bold" , got font postscript name "asap-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nanumgothic extrabold" , got font postscript name "nanumgothicextrabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myanmar mn" , got font postscript name "myanmarmn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "khmer sangam mn" , got font postscript name "khmersangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "courier bold oblique" , got font postscript name "courier-boldoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "times cy italic" , got font postscript name "timescy-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ocr std" , got font postscript name "ocrastd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "snell roundhand bold" , got font postscript name "snellroundhand-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:13 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "josefin sans thin" , got font postscript name "josefinsans-thin". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial italic" , got font postscript name "arial-italicmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chaparral pro" , got font postscript name "chaparralpro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "aspire demibold" , got font postscript name "aspire-demibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "comic sans ms bold" , got font postscript name "comicsansms-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "aller light italic" , got font postscript name "aller-lightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad arabic bold italic" , got font postscript name "myriadarabic-boldit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial narrow italic" , got font postscript name "arialnarrow-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "andale mono" , got font postscript name "andalemono". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad hebrew" , got font postscript name "myriadhebrew-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bank gothic light" , got font postscript name "bankgothic-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida fax demibold" , got font postscript name "lucidafax-demi". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt sans italic" , got font postscript name "ptsans-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lintsec regular" , got font postscript name "lintsec". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho std el" , got font postscript name "kozminstd-extralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "calligraphic 810 bt" , got font postscript name "calligraphic810bt-roman". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kushtie script" , got font postscript name "kushtiescript". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "constantia bold" , got font postscript name "constantia-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "seravek bold italic" , got font postscript name "seravek-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "trajan pro 3 bold" , got font postscript name "trajanpro3-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis sans serif light italic 46" , got font postscript name "rotissansserif-lightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "new peninim mt bold" , got font postscript name "newpeninimmt-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gujarati sangam mn bold" , got font postscript name "gujaratisangammn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dfpkanteiryu-xb" , got font postscript name "dfkanteiryu-xb-mp-rksj-h". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next demi bold italic" , got font postscript name "avenirnext-demibolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "minion std black" , got font postscript name "minionstd-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cocktail script" , got font postscript name "cocktailscript". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro bold condensed italic" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-boldcondit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo gothic std l" , got font postscript name "ryogothicstd-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "sinhala sangam mn bold" , got font postscript name "sinhalasangammn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "heiti sc light" , got font postscript name "stheitisc-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ms pmincho" , got font postscript name "ms-pmincho". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bodoni svtytwo os itc tt bookit" , got font postscript name "bodonisvtytwoositctt-bookit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic pr6n el" , got font postscript name "kozgopr6n-extralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ms reference specialty" , got font postscript name "msreferencespecialty". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bickham script pro" , got font postscript name "bickhamscriptpro-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis semisans light italic 46" , got font postscript name "rotissemisans-lightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "franklin gothic book" , got font postscript name "franklingothic-book". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "khmer mn bold" , got font postscript name "khmermn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "courier new bold italic" , got font postscript name "couriernewps-bolditalicmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "letter gothic std bold slanted" , got font postscript name "lettergothicstd-boldslanted". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "josefin sans thin italic" , got font postscript name "josefinsans-thinitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next condensed medium italic" , got font postscript name "avenirnextcondensed-mediumitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "palatino italic" , got font postscript name "palatino-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alegreya italic" , got font postscript name "alegreya-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica light" , got font postscript name "helvetica-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "khmer mn" , got font postscript name "khmermn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:14 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cooper black" , got font postscript name "cooperblackms". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe heiti std r" , got font postscript name "adobeheitistd-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "songti sc light" , got font postscript name "stsongti-sc-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "constantia italic" , got font postscript name "constantia-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro subhead" , got font postscript name "arnopro-subhead". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo text std r" , got font postscript name "ryotextstd-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ambrosia demo" , got font postscript name "ambrosiademo". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "constantia bold italic" , got font postscript name "constantia-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alegreya bold" , got font postscript name "alegreya-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next regular" , got font postscript name "avenirnext-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe devanagari bold" , got font postscript name "adobedevanagari-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "yuppy sc regular" , got font postscript name "yuppysc-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lantinghei sc demibold" , got font postscript name "fzltzhk--gbk1-0". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "calisto mt" , got font postscript name "calistomt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple sd gothic neo bold" , got font postscript name "applesdgothicneo-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis semisans bold 65" , got font postscript name "rotissemisans-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next medium italic" , got font postscript name "avenirnext-mediumitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "web symbols regular" , got font postscript name "websymbols-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bernhard modern std italic" , got font postscript name "bernhardmodernstd-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue condensed bold" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-condensedbold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dosis extrabold" , got font postscript name "dosis-extrabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "melany lane patterns" , got font postscript name "melanylanepatterns". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "century gothic bold italic" , got font postscript name "centurygothic-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next italic" , got font postscript name "avenirnext-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "imprint mt shadow" , got font postscript name "imprintmt-shadow". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "microsoft tai le" , got font postscript name "microsofttaile". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "georgia bold" , got font postscript name "georgia-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida fax regular" , got font postscript name "lucidafax". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "charter roman" , got font postscript name "charter-roman". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida blackletter" , got font postscript name "lucidablackletter". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "microsoft tai le bold" , got font postscript name "microsofttaile-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "titilliumtext14l bold" , got font postscript name "titilliumtext14l-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "goudy old style" , got font postscript name "goudyoldstylet-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "news gothic mt" , got font postscript name "newsgothicmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "papyrus condensed" , got font postscript name "papyrus-condensed". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "corsiva hebrew bold" , got font postscript name "corsivahebrew-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans bold" , got font postscript name "gillsans-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt sans caption bold" , got font postscript name "ptsans-captionbold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "asap italic" , got font postscript name "asap-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hanzipen sc regular" , got font postscript name "hanzipensc-w3". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "times new roman bold" , got font postscript name "timesnewromanps-boldmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "calisto mt italic" , got font postscript name "calistomt-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hanzipen sc bold" , got font postscript name "hanzipensc-w5". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kaiti tc regular" , got font postscript name "stkaiti-tc-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "calligrapher regular" , got font postscript name "calligrapher-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "superclarendon light" , got font postscript name "superclarendon-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:15 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "aldo open" , got font postscript name "aldo-open". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo gothic std b" , got font postscript name "ryogothicstd-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "goudy old style bold" , got font postscript name "goudyoldstylet-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial black" , got font postscript name "arial-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "wawati tc regular" , got font postscript name "dfwawatc-w5". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next bold italic" , got font postscript name "avenirnext-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next heavy italic" , got font postscript name "avenirnext-heavyitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dosis light" , got font postscript name "dosis-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bangla sangam mn" , got font postscript name "banglasangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt sans bold" , got font postscript name "ptsans-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hoefler text italic" , got font postscript name "hoeflertext-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro light italic display" , got font postscript name "arnopro-lightitalicdisplay". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nanami rounded thin" , got font postscript name "nanami-rounded-thin". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "damascus medium" , got font postscript name "damascusmedium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "wawati sc regular" , got font postscript name "dfwawasc-w5". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe devanagari" , got font postscript name "adobedevanagari-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next condensed bold italic" , got font postscript name "avenirnextcondensed-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic pro h" , got font postscript name "kozgopro-heavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "libre baskerville" , got font postscript name "librebaskerville-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "calisto mt bold italic" , got font postscript name "calistomt-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "poplar std black" , got font postscript name "poplarstd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple sd gothic neo ultralight" , got font postscript name "applesdgothicneo-ultralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source sans pro light italic" , got font postscript name "sourcesanspro-lightit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tw cen mt" , got font postscript name "twcenmt-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alegreya sc" , got font postscript name "alegreyasc-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lao sangam mn" , got font postscript name "laosangammn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lato black" , got font postscript name "lato-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "princetown let" , got font postscript name "princetownlet". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad web pro italic" , got font postscript name "myriadwebpro-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro semibold italic caption" , got font postscript name "arnopro-smbditaliccaption". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino mincho pro w3" , got font postscript name "hiraminpro-w3". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple sd gothicneo extrabold" , got font postscript name "applesdgothicneo-extrabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next condensed ultra light" , got font postscript name "avenirnextcondensed-ultralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "prestige elite std bold" , got font postscript name "prestigeelitestd-bd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:16 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino mincho pro w6" , got font postscript name "hiraminpro-w6". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro light" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo text std el" , got font postscript name "ryotextstd-extralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "heiti sc medium" , got font postscript name "stheitisc-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bank gothic medium" , got font postscript name "bankgothic-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "letter gothic std bold" , got font postscript name "lettergothicstd-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rockwell bold" , got font postscript name "rockwell-extrabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "baskerville bold" , got font postscript name "baskerville-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "big caslon medium" , got font postscript name "bigcaslon-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe wood type ornaments std" , got font postscript name "woodtypeornamentsstd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nanami rounded light" , got font postscript name "nanami-rounded-lt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gurmukhi sangam mn bold" , got font postscript name "gurmukhisangammn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "neutra text" , got font postscript name "neutratext-book". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cantarell bold oblique" , got font postscript name "cantarell-boldoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe hebrew bold italic" , got font postscript name "adobehebrew-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "eurofurence bold" , got font postscript name "eurofurencebold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "seravek extralight" , got font postscript name "seravek-extralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "applegothic regular" , got font postscript name "applegothic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "athelas italic" , got font postscript name "athelas-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dfpkyokasho-w3" , got font postscript name "dfkyokasho-w3-mp-rksj-h". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue thin italic" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-thinitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "tw cen mt bold italic" , got font postscript name "twcenmt-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "geeza pro bold" , got font postscript name "geezapro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino mincho pron w3" , got font postscript name "hiraminpron-w3". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "malayalam mn bold" , got font postscript name "malayalammn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "josefin sans bold italic" , got font postscript name "josefinsans-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "yugothic bold" , got font postscript name "yugo-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple braille outline 8 dot" , got font postscript name "applebraille-outline8dot". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt sans narrow" , got font postscript name "ptsans-narrow". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "century schoolbook" , got font postscript name "centuryschoolbook". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "new peninim mt inclined" , got font postscript name "newpeninimmt-inclined". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe arabic regular" , got font postscript name "adobearabic-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chaparral pro bold italic" , got font postscript name "chaparralpro-boldit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "century gothic" , got font postscript name "centurygothic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:17 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple braille" , got font postscript name "applebraille". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "diwan mishafi" , got font postscript name "diwanmishafi". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho pr6n h" , got font postscript name "kozminpr6n-heavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "mingliu_hkscs-extb" , got font postscript name "ming-lt-hkscs-extb". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt serif italic" , got font postscript name "ptserif-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lithos pro bold" , got font postscript name "lithospro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rockwell italic" , got font postscript name "rockwell-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ms gothic" , got font postscript name "ms-gothic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "diavlo black regular" , got font postscript name "diavloblack-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hoefler text" , got font postscript name "hoeflertext-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "edwardian script itc" , got font postscript name "edwardianscriptitc". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue ultralight italic" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-ultralightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source sans pro bold" , got font postscript name "sourcesanspro-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:18 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "marion bold" , got font postscript name "marion-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:19 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "american typewriter" , got font postscript name "americantypewriter". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:19 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "superclarendon bold italic" , got font postscript name "superclarendon-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:19 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gb18030 bitmap" , got font postscript name "gb18030bitmap". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:19 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "engravers mt" , got font postscript name "engraversmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:19 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "party let plain:1.0" , got font postscript name "partyletplain". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:19 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple casual" , got font postscript name "applecasual". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:19 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho pr6n r" , got font postscript name "kozminpr6n-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bodoni ornaments itc tt" , got font postscript name "bodoniornamentsitctt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "optima bold italic" , got font postscript name "optima-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis semisans italic 56" , got font postscript name "rotissemisans-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next condensed italic" , got font postscript name "avenirnextcondensed-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bookman old style" , got font postscript name "bookmanoldstyle". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "stone sans sem itc tt semi" , got font postscript name "stonesansitctt-semi". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "wingdings 2" , got font postscript name "wingdings2". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "biaukai" , got font postscript name "dfkaishu-sb-estd-bf". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans mt bold italic" , got font postscript name "gillsansmt-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lao mn" , got font postscript name "laomn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "mona lisa solid itc tt" , got font postscript name "monalisasoliditctt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "new peninim mt bold inclined" , got font postscript name "newpeninimmt-boldinclined". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "seravek medium" , got font postscript name "seravek-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "mesquite std medium" , got font postscript name "mesquitestd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lato regular" , got font postscript name "lato-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kannada mn bold" , got font postscript name "kannadamn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "sansation bold" , got font postscript name "sansation-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lantinghei sc heavy" , got font postscript name "fzltthk--gbk1-0". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "quicksand book oblique regular" , got font postscript name "quicksandbookoblique-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next condensed medium" , got font postscript name "avenirnextcondensed-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida fax italic" , got font postscript name "lucidafax-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "schoolhouse printed a" , got font postscript name "schoolhouseprinteda". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:20 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "libian sc regular" , got font postscript name "stlibian-sc-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nueva std light italic" , got font postscript name "nuevastd-lightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "al tarikh" , got font postscript name "altarikh". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "telugu mn" , got font postscript name "telugumn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "quicksand dash regular" , got font postscript name "quicksanddash-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis sans serif light 45" , got font postscript name "rotissansserif-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "al nile" , got font postscript name "alnile". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans semibold italic" , got font postscript name "gillsans-semibolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hei regular" , got font postscript name "sil-hei-med-jian". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "oriya sangam mn bold" , got font postscript name "oriyasangammn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "calibri bold italic" , got font postscript name "calibri-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro semibold" , got font postscript name "arnopro-smbd". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source sans pro black italic" , got font postscript name "sourcesanspro-blackit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bell mt bold" , got font postscript name "bellmtbold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "american typewriter bold" , got font postscript name "americantypewriter-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho pr6n m" , got font postscript name "kozminpr6n-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad arabic italic" , got font postscript name "myriadarabic-it". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic pr6n b" , got font postscript name "kozgopr6n-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro semibold italic display" , got font postscript name "arnopro-smbditalicdisplay". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans mt bold" , got font postscript name "gillsansmt-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro italic" , got font postscript name "arnopro-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lato hairline italic" , got font postscript name "lato-hairlineitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro semibold" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "rotis serif italic 56" , got font postscript name "rotisserif-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nanami rounded medium" , got font postscript name "nanami-rounded-med". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "museo sans 500" , got font postscript name "museosans-500". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "seravek medium italic" , got font postscript name "seravek-mediumitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida sans typewriter bold" , got font postscript name "lucidasans-typewriterbold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial hebrew light" , got font postscript name "arialhebrew-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue light" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "book antiqua bold" , got font postscript name "bookantiqua-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "oriya mn" , got font postscript name "oriyamn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kaiti sc bold" , got font postscript name "stkaiti-sc-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "modern no. 20" , got font postscript name "modern-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe hebrew bold" , got font postscript name "adobehebrew-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "britannic bold" , got font postscript name "britannicbold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro semibold italic" , got font postscript name "arnopro-smbditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "monotype sorts" , got font postscript name "monotypesorts". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "perpetua bold italic" , got font postscript name "perpetua-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:21 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next bold" , got font postscript name "avenirnext-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "footlight mt light" , got font postscript name "footlightmtlight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "libre baskerville bold" , got font postscript name "librebaskerville-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple color emoji" , got font postscript name "applecoloremoji". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "eurofurence regular" , got font postscript name "eurofurenceregular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "diwan thuluth" , got font postscript name "diwanthuluth". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gill sans bold italic" , got font postscript name "gillsans-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino kaku gothic pron w6" , got font postscript name "hirakakupron-w6". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka mincho std m" , got font postscript name "kozminstd-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad pro black italic" , got font postscript name "myriadpro-blackit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "megalopolis extra" , got font postscript name "megalopolisextra". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "quicksand light regular" , got font postscript name "quicksandlight-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chaparral pro semibold" , got font postscript name "chaparralpro-semibold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lato black italic" , got font postscript name "lato-blackitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir heavy oblique" , got font postscript name "avenir-heavyoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "optima extrablack" , got font postscript name "optima-extrablack". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bangla mn bold" , got font postscript name "banglamn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "optima italic" , got font postscript name "optima-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad std tilt" , got font postscript name "myriadstd-tilt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source sans pro italic" , got font postscript name "sourcesanspro-it". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kushtie light" , got font postscript name "kushtielight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "iowan old style black italic" , got font postscript name "iowanoldstyle-blackitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "franklin gothic medium italic" , got font postscript name "franklingothic-mediumitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "news gothic std bold" , got font postscript name "newsgothicstd-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida bright demibold italic" , got font postscript name "lucidabright-demiitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bodoni svtytwo itc tt bold" , got font postscript name "bodonisvtytwoitctt-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "futura condensed medium" , got font postscript name "futura-condensedmedium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "charter bold italic" , got font postscript name "charter-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "charcoal cy" , got font postscript name "charcoalcy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "source sans pro bold italic" , got font postscript name "sourcesanspro-boldit". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial unicode ms" , got font postscript name "arialunicodems". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir black" , got font postscript name "avenir-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "verdana bold" , got font postscript name "verdana-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "consolas bold italic" , got font postscript name "consolas-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bodoni svtytwo os itc tt book" , got font postscript name "bodonisvtytwoositctt-book". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gurmukhi mn" , got font postscript name "gurmukhimn". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "oriya mn bold" , got font postscript name "oriyamn-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo display std h" , got font postscript name "ryodispstd-heavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "chalkboard se bold" , got font postscript name "chalkboardse-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "abadi mt condensed bold" , got font postscript name "abadimt-condensedextrabold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "diavlo bold regular" , got font postscript name "diavlobold-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "futura medium" , got font postscript name "futura-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "mshtakan boldoblique" , got font postscript name "mshtakanboldoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cambria math" , got font postscript name "cambriamath". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:22 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gurmukhi mt" , got font postscript name "monotypegurmukhi". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "yugothic medium" , got font postscript name "yugo-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "aller light" , got font postscript name "aller-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "myriad arabic bold" , got font postscript name "myriadarabic-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue condensed black" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-condensedblack". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next ultra light" , got font postscript name "avenirnext-ultralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "bookman old style italic" , got font postscript name "bookmanoldstyle-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "gujarati mt" , got font postscript name "gujaratimt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "futura medium italic" , got font postscript name "futura-mediumitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "times cy" , got font postscript name "timescy-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kokonor regular" , got font postscript name "kokonor". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "times bold italic" , got font postscript name "times-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "eurofurence bolditalic" , got font postscript name "eurofurencebolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial hebrew" , got font postscript name "arialhebrew". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kefa bold" , got font postscript name "kefa-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nanum pen script" , got font postscript name "nanumpen". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hoefler text black italic" , got font postscript name "hoeflertext-blackitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "copperplate bold" , got font postscript name "copperplate-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cochin bold italic" , got font postscript name "cochin-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "dfpsoking-w3" , got font postscript name "dfsoking-w3-mp-rksj-h". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "marker felt wide" , got font postscript name "markerfelt-wide". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next medium" , got font postscript name "avenirnext-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "stone sans itc tt bold" , got font postscript name "stonesansitctt-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "perpetua italic" , got font postscript name "perpetua-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "apple lisung light" , got font postscript name "lisunglight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "trebuchet ms italic" , got font postscript name "trebuchetms-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "xingkai sc light" , got font postscript name "stxingkai-sc-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "stone sans sem itc tt semiita" , got font postscript name "stonesansitctt-semiita". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "didot italic" , got font postscript name "didot-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "cantarell oblique" , got font postscript name "cantarell-oblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "courier new bold" , got font postscript name "couriernewps-boldmt". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adobe hebrew regular" , got font postscript name "adobehebrew-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "perpetua titling mt bold" , got font postscript name "perpetuatitlingmt-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "american typewriter condensed bold" , got font postscript name "americantypewriter-condensedbold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "geneva cy" , got font postscript name "genevacyr". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro semibold italic smtext" , got font postscript name "arnopro-smbditalicsmtext". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir black oblique" , got font postscript name "avenir-blackoblique". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arial hebrew bold" , got font postscript name "arialhebrew-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro italic subhead" , got font postscript name "arnopro-italicsubhead". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir next condensed demi bold italic" , got font postscript name "avenirnextcondensed-demibolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro bold italic" , got font postscript name "arnopro-bolditalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "trebuchet ms" , got font postscript name "trebuchetms". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "avenir medium" , got font postscript name "avenir-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic pro el" , got font postscript name "kozgopro-extralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "alegreya" , got font postscript name "alegreya-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:23 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "blairmditc tt medium" , got font postscript name "blairmditctt-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "nanumgothic bold" , got font postscript name "nanumgothicbold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "superclarendon black" , got font postscript name "superclarendon-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro italic display" , got font postscript name "arnopro-italicdisplay". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kailasa regular" , got font postscript name "kailasa". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue light italic" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-lightitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "sansation light" , got font postscript name "sansation-light". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lato bold" , got font postscript name "lato-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "hiragino mincho pron w6" , got font postscript name "hiraminpron-w6". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "waseem light" , got font postscript name "waseemlight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "verdana italic" , got font postscript name "verdana-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "songti sc regular" , got font postscript name "stsongti-sc-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "pt serif caption italic" , got font postscript name "ptserif-captionitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "sofia" , got font postscript name "sofia-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "superclarendon bold" , got font postscript name "superclarendon-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "charter black italic" , got font postscript name "charter-blackitalic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kozuka gothic pr6n m" , got font postscript name "kozgopr6n-medium". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "songti sc black" , got font postscript name "stsongti-sc-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "wide latin" , got font postscript name "latinwide". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "arno pro semibold caption" , got font postscript name "arnopro-smbdcaption". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "adrenaline black" , got font postscript name "adrenaline-black". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "calibri bold" , got font postscript name "calibri-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "microsoft yi baiti" , got font postscript name "microsoft-yi-baiti". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "audimat italic" , got font postscript name "audimat-italic". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "meiryo bold" , got font postscript name "meiryo-bold". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "ryo gothic std h" , got font postscript name "ryogothicstd-heavy". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "kushtie ligatures" , got font postscript name "kushtieligatures". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "allura" , got font postscript name "allura-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "af modulepressureot monoregular" , got font postscript name "afmodulepressureot-monoregular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "spicy rice" , got font postscript name "spicyrice-regular". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "helvetica neue ultralight" , got font postscript name "helveticaneue-ultralight". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:24 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "seoul regular" , got font postscript name "seoul". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:26 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida grande" , got font postscript name "lucidagrande". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:58:31 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: internals of cfallocator not known; out-of-memory failures via cfallocator not result in termination. http://crbug.com/45650
nov 20 11:58:39 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida grande" , got font postscript name "lucidagrande". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:59:05 --- last message repeated 39 times ---
nov 20 11:59:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: cgsgetwindowbounds
nov 20 11:59:05 --- last message repeated 5 times ---
nov 20 11:59:05 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver helper[16190]: internals of cfallocator not known; out-of-memory failures via cfallocator not result in termination. http://crbug.com/45650
nov 20 11:59:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: cgsgetwindowbounds
nov 20 11:59:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida grande" , got font postscript name "lucidagrande". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 11:59:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: cgsgetwindowbounds
nov 20 11:59:07 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver helper[16190]: function `cgfontsetshouldusemulticache' obsolete , removed in upcoming update. unfortunately, application, or library uses, using obsolete function, , thereby contributing overall degradation of system performance.
nov 20 11:59:09 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: cgsgetwindowbounds
nov 20 11:59:39 --- last message repeated 19 times ---
nov 20 12:03:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida grande" , got font postscript name "lucidagrande". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 12:03:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida grande" , got font postscript name "lucidagrande". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 12:03:10 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver helper[16198]: internals of cfallocator not known; out-of-memory failures via cfallocator not result in termination. http://crbug.com/45650
nov 20 12:03:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: coretext performance note: client called ctfontcreatewithname() using name "lucida grande" , got font postscript name "lucidagrande". best performance, use postscript names when calling api.
nov 20 12:03:11 davids-imac-2386.local dreamweaver[16175]: cgsgetwindowbounds
nov 20 12:03:41 --- last message repeated 4 times ---
hi designsbytierney99,
a couple of things:
- do have java se6 on computer?
- have disabled nap app?
More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum
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