Thread: San Francisco Global Jam at Wikimedia on Saturday September 8th
i'm happy announce wikimedia has offered space in offices on new montgomery st in downtown san francisco our ubuntu global jam event on saturday 8th!
date: saturday, september 8, 2012
time: noon - 4pm
location: wikimedia foundation, inc., 149 new montgomery st, floor 3, san francisco, ca 94105
cost: free (i'll paying food out of pocket)
event focusing on iso testing.
iso testing?
disk images upcoming ubuntu release, 12.10, need tested throughout development cycle , bugs filed. can livecd tests, install tests on hardware, install tests in virtual machines , application testing. in first hour or teach how run tests , how report bugs.
i'll bring testing handouts, copies of latest working
versions of images on dvds , usb sticks, spindle of blank dvds , iso files in case need more.
if wish testing, need bring laptop can boot dvd or usb , 1 or of following: livecd testing, test installs on laptop hardware or tests on virtual machines.
if don't want testing @ event or don't have laptop can bring, you're welcome join learn tools used testing , eat pizza.
rsvp here:
if have trouble logging in rsvp (or don't have/want launchpad account) please let me know you're coming can give folks @ wikimedia accurate attendee count prior event.
ordering cheese, veggie , meat pizzas arrive around 1:30, please let me know if have further dietary restrictions/preferences.
huge wikimedia providing space!
hope see there.
event part of global events happening worldwide september 7-9th. more details at:
Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Other Discussion and Support Ubuntu LoCo Team Forums Americas LoCo Teams California Team - US San Francisco Global Jam at Wikimedia on Saturday September 8th
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