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Thread: Connect to specific channel

the question think should asking is: how setup ubuntu (preferably gnome network manager) connect ssid on specific channel?

here specific context:
~poc 2wire modem/router
~dmz'd wireless server's ports
~needed extend range set dlink dap-1522 (bridge/wap mode) , cisco linksys e1200 (with same ssid , security, different channel)
~as server halfway between two, connect linksys , lose port forwards

second question: there better way extend (without new hardware)?

hello garebearcarson,

can achieve same result putting in server's wireless definitions bssid of router (mac addres). when ubuntu box connected wirelessly device mac address, in case dlink dap-1522 (i assume want, right?)

bssid mac address of network device. unique number embaded in hardware of each network device, , looks inthe following format:

here steps:

1. locate , copy mac address of access point want ubuntu box connect exclusively (i assume dlink dap-1522).

2. in ubuntu box, open network connections dialog box (you can in many ways, simple way click on wireless tray icon).

3. select 'wireless' tab , select specific wireless connection profile , click 'edit' button.

4. paste bssid editbox (in middle) mac address of access point lock ubuntu box to.

5. save, close - , done.

on ubuntu box ignore other access point , connect 1 mac address entered in bssid field.

hope helps!

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Connect to specific channel



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