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Thread: Can someone please explain this code?

sudo su  xhost +si:localuser:lightdm  sudo su lightdm -s /bin/bash  gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter background '/usr/share/backgrounds/awesome_.png'  exit
i came across here linked tothis
haven't used sudo su before , of rest of code seems complicated well.

sudo su
uses root priviledges (sudo) switch users (su) , without argument defaults superuser (root). if needed access files user "smith" has access use:
su smith
need smith's password. in case, using "su" work too, if knew root password. effect, acting user, lasts until issue command: exit, or close terminal.

i'm not sure xhost does, doing somethign related lightdm user.

"sudo su lightdm" switches user lightdm, , sets default shell bash.

gsettings line looks changing background of login screen.

there should exit @ end. 1 exit leave open terminal logged in root.


Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] Can someone please explain this code?



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