Frame cross-references to DITA

framemaker 11

vasont cms

arbortext editor


in order comply our parent company, converting of our fm docs dita. check before conversion ensure cross-refs working.  when cross-reference comes in dita fm, looks this:

xref format=”dita” href=”msc_c_introduction.dita” scope=”local” type=”concept”

but these not work.


when cross-ref created in either cms or in arbortext, looks this:

xref href=”msc_c_introduction#msc_c_introduction/msc_c_intro” outputclass=”fm:headingonly”

these work properly.


is there way cross-refs fm have correct syntax? or not syntax issue?


we rather use fm arbortext.







do have 2 xref examples reversed? xref created in fm have outputclass of "fm:<formatname>", while can't imagine arbortext or cms add "fm:" prefix outputclass (or use outputclass @ all).


assuming reversed .. i'm not surprised fm can't handle xref specifies target filename in href. it's valid, better if specifies @ least "<filename>#<topicid>". if doesn't work, that's bug in fm (dita-fmx ok syntax, btw). i'm assuming in second example, accidentally omitted filename extension, since won't work anywhere.


try adding "#<topicid>" xref/@href that's not working in fm. might work. if not, try adding "/<elemid>" that. fm might require outputclass set, think it'll default if that's not set.





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