Thread: Seeking Pingos to Demo Linux
i seek organize great number of people in collective , global effort tell world linux meeting in person, showing demo, installing them if they’re interested, , them started. needed. simple that.
linux community has strong presence online of can manage find , decipher it. there forums, newsgroups, irc, mailinglists, man-pages, releasparties, conventions , plethora of other things makes come together, meet others , share each other. while there lacking: project shares common people, average joe, people interested in tech not degree dare venture on own. there category of people indeed part of average joes have interest in linux feel unsafe following on it. why? because neighbors kid computer expert on block , runs windows or apple os said linux hard or non-functional, because don’t know how proceed or feel uncomfortable doing without having computer expert go talk. because afraid bad computer , lose data.
pingofy tries remedy that. want give demonstrations of how linux can work on people’s desktop/laptop. take time meet people live, have talk, answer questions face face , show them they’re interested in. in addition offer install linux on people’s computers if ask , after giving them full info of entails. lastly, follow on ones pingofied offering 2 weeks of support. we’re aspiring do.
while actively promote linux our primary goal not act pr agency, advertisement, try “talk people in to” start using linux or try replace of hundreds of sites , channels give linux-related support. our mission demo, install , setup. lot of opportunities co-work many of other groups out there excel @ do.
surely notice site still under heavy construction. hasn’t been proofread yet, of text change, , parts have still not been written yet. our goal turn participant of project, in way want. don’t need have special skill set – are welcome, long @ least 20 years old (yups, sorry kids, we’re old bastards here ; ) , feel comfortable working linux. here few examples of people need:
helpers: people want demo linux , install in area. need regardless of reside, strive become global.
proofreaders: english/american native lingo.
3d and/or animators: need cool , looking videos/animations project, promoting it.
screencasters: need coupe of super-nice looking desktops show of basic everyday functionalities in tutorialish manners in hd (ffmpeg knows how to). short stuff, pro-looking.
php-coders: there’s cool can project.
wordpress template tinkerers: minor adjustments needed.
phpbb template tinkerers: heavy adjustments needed.
Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Seeking Pingos to Demo Linux
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