Thread: Please help me configuring my home network
hi all..
have little home network shown on picture..
know how build everything, have no idea ips/gateways/subnetmasks , on..
please , show me right configuration modem , wireless router.
right pc#s have ip's 10.0.0.x thats clas network..
internet modem has , assigning ip server , wireles router.. wireles router dhcp server connected switch.
there 14 network devices on network connected switch. server has 2 of them used vpn connection want connected directly modem, , onther nic lan only.
want know optimal configuration network. correct ip ranges , correct subnet mask wireless router , modem. how network if network expert configure ?
why have router behind dsl modem? dsl modem looks routing things you. on small network of scale, 2 routers unnecessary , adds failure points , latency.
have switch, why not plug straight modem , switch? topology makes more sense me you're doing...
Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [SOLVED] Please help me configuring my home network
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