Incorrect colour and chromatic aberration when reading NEF with Camera RAW 8.2

the colours, particularly blue sky, of nikon nef image when viewed in camera raw (and when opened in ps proper) dull compared when viewed nikon viewnx2 , irfanview. saved jpg images viewed.


in addition, image in camera raw shows chromatic aberration, such short focal lengths (18-46 mm) dark object or shadow shows green edge left when located @ left of image, , top, bottom , right positions (the green big). there corresponding purple edge on other side of dark object (the purple small). long focal lengths (100 - 200 mm) reverse applies , 70 mm there no aberration. aberration not noticeable unless image magnified point pixels become apparent. both viewnx2 , irfanview show little or no aberration.


the colour shift in first paragraph main concern.


the colour space selected in camera raw has no obvious effect. using srgb.

correction: colour space selected have effect, not immediately. srgb closest match other viewers, not same.


although not explicity stated, implied two-fold question is: "how ps convert nef give same colour rendition nikon viewnx , irfanview, , how can avoid chromatic aberration?"


while beginner photoshop, may fellow beginners unable answer question. appropriate re-ask question elsewhere?

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