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Thread: Ubuntu Home Server Upgrade Advice Needed

hey all,

running ubuntu home media server responsibilities are:

  • filesharing (mainly videos can watched on ios devices , xbmc hooked 2 different tvs in house)

  • nzb downloading (sabnzb & sickbeard)

  • dyndns resolution

  • airvideo server

  • websever (very small footprint, 1 or 2 functions user)

  • any other random thing can come linux me.

server running on ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) 32 bit. here output of df -h command:
sysadmin@mediaserver:~$ df -h  filesystem            size  used avail use% mounted on  /dev/md0              4.6g  4.3g   94m  98% /  none                  986m  248k  985m   1% /dev  none                  990m     0  990m   0% /dev/shm  none                  990m  372k  990m   1% /var/run  none                  990m     0  990m   0% /var/lock  none                  990m     0  990m   0% /lib/init/rw  /dev/sdb3              92g  1.8g   86g   3% /backup  /dev/md1              276g  226g   36g  87% /home  /dev/sda4             634g  541g   61g  90% /mediafiles  /dev/sdb4             546g  514g   32g  95% /oldmediafiles
to summerize, have /dev/sda & /dev/sdb both 1 tb hard drives.

have following partitions under software raid:
/dev/md0 / 4.6 gb
/dev/md1 /home 276 gb

rest free space in both sda , sdb drives dedicated videos download.

now, issue having sdb hard drive fail. output of smartctl -hc /dev/sdb

sysadmin@mediaserver:~$ sudo smartctl -hc /dev/sdb  smartctl version 5.38 [i686-pc-linux-gnu] copyright (c) 2002-8 bruce allen  home page    === start of read smart data section ===  smart overall-health self-assessment test result: failed!  drive failure expected in less 24 hours. save data.  failed attributes:  id# attribute_name          flag     value worst thresh type      updated  when_failed raw_value    5 reallocated_sector_ct   0x0033   002   002   036    pre-fail    failing_now 4015    general smart values:  offline data collection status:  (0x82) offline data collection activity                                          completed without error.                                          auto offline data collection: enabled.  self-test execution status:      (   0) previous self-test routine completed                                          without error or no self-test has ever                                          been run.  total time complete offline  data collection:                 ( 600) seconds.  offline data collection  capabilities:                    (0x7b) smart execute offline immediate.                                          auto offline data collection on/off support.                                          suspend offline collection upon new                                          command.                                          offline surface scan supported.                                          self-test supported.                                          conveyance self-test supported.                                          selective self-test supported.  smart capabilities:            (0x0003) saves smart data before entering                                          power-saving mode.                                          supports smart auto save timer.  error logging capability:        (0x01) error logging supported.                                          general purpose logging supported.  short self-test routine  recommended polling time:        (   1) minutes.  extended self-test routine  recommended polling time:        ( 195) minutes.  conveyance self-test routine  recommended polling time:        (   2) minutes.  sct capabilities:              (0x103f) sct status supported.                                          sct feature control supported.                                          sct data table supported.
lastly, have no space left on / parititon becoming difficult upgrades , install new software on ubuntu system.

have decided hard drives need replaced purchased 2 x 3 tb hard drives want put raid 1 configuration. instead of paritioning of space going put on partition , have mirrored. way if 1 ever fails can replace drive , still , running.

since doing this, going plan on reinstalling newest ubuntu version i'd keep settings sabnzb, sickbeard, , other things setup computer.

can of guys offer advice how go doing this? best way without problems.

appriciate help, thanks!

you try cleaning out / 5gb partition bit small if going installing ton of stuff.

run server vms 15gb drives, usually, drives large 50gb.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] Ubuntu Home Server Upgrade Advice Needed



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