I need to display two times. Current time, and 6 minutes later.
my pdf form has 2 text fields. when click button, want 2 fields populated 2 times. first shows current time, , second 1 shows current time plus 6 minutes. brand new javascript, have managed current time work, cannot life of me figure out how show time 6 minutes later current time. feel simple, can't seem work. java script show time 6 minutes in future?
one gets current date , time with:
new date();
and can format util.printd() method
var onow = new date(); // system date time object;
var snow = util.printd("h:mm:sstt", onow); // format current time;
app.alert("it " + snow, 3, 0); // display current time;
there several way modify the date object
date arithmetic or using getminutes , set minutes methods.
var onow = new date(); // system date time object;
var snow = util.printd("h:mm:sstt", onow); // format current time;
app.alert("it " + snow, 3, 0); // display current time;
var onext = onow; // create new date object;
onext.setminutes(onext.getminutes() + 6); // add 6 minutes;
var snext = util.printd("h:mm:sstt", onext); // format future time;
app.alert("in 6 minutes time wll " + snext, 3, 0); // display future time;
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