Change this script to save jpegs instead of tiff....

hi, im hoping can me this, found wonderfull script save out quick incremental saves of active document (got this thread ) need save out jpegs instead of tiffs.



#target photoshop app.bringtofront(); main(); function main(){ if(!documents.length) return; //amend suit var folderpath = folder("/c/users/kerro perro/desktop/dropbox/daily drawing practice/wips"); if(!folderpath.exists) {     alert("output folder not exist!");     return;     } //this should first part of filename  //i.e. if file name = picture0001.tif needs picture //n.b. must same case! var filename  = "workinprogress"; var filetype = "tif"; var filelist = new array(); var newnumber=0; var savefile=''; filelist = folderpath.getfiles((filename + "*." + filetype)); filelist.sort().reverse(); if(filelist.length == 0){ savefile=file(folderpath + "/" + filename + "0001." +filetype); savetiff(savefile); }else{ newnumber  = number(filelist[0].tostring().replace(/\....$/,'').match(/\d+$/)) +1; savefile=file(folderpath + "/" + filename + zeropad(newnumber, 4) + "." +filetype); savetiff(savefile);     } }; function zeropad(n, s) {     n = n.tostring();     while (n.length < s)  n = '0' + n;     return n;  }; function savetiff(savefile){ tiffsaveoptions = new tiffsaveoptions();  tiffsaveoptions.embedcolorprofile = true;  tiffsaveoptions.alphachannels = true;  tiffsaveoptions.layers = true; tiffsaveoptions.imagecompression = tiffencoding.tifflzw;  activedocument.saveas(savefile, tiffsaveoptions, true, extension.lowercase);  };  


now severely limited coding skill cut , pasted different code keeps saving on same file (i.e. workinprogress0001.jpg gets saved on , on instead of creating new iteration each time workinprogress0002.jpg, workinprogress0003.jpg etc.) , can't fathom variable being affected changing extension... thoughts?



#target photoshop app.bringtofront(); main(); function main(){ if(!documents.length) return; //amend suit var folderpath = folder("/c/users/kerro perro/desktop/dropbox/daily drawing practice/wips"); if(!folderpath.exists) {     alert("output folder not exist!");     return;     } //this should first part of filename  //i.e. if file name = picture0001.tif needs picture //n.b. must same case! var filename  = "workinprogress"; var filetype = "jpeg"; var filelist = new array(); var newnumber=0; var savefile=''; filelist = folderpath.getfiles((filename + "*." + filetype)); filelist.sort().reverse(); if(filelist.length == 0){ savefile=file(folderpath + "/" + filename + "0001." +filetype); savejpeg(savefile); }else{ newnumber  = number(filelist[0].tostring().replace(/\....$/,'').match(/\d+$/)) +1; savefile=file(folderpath + "/" + filename + zeropad(newnumber, 4) + "." +filetype); savejpeg(savefile);     } }; function zeropad(n, s) {     n = n.tostring();     while (n.length < s)  n = '0' + n;     return n;  }; function savejpeg(savefile){ var saveoptions = new jpegsaveoptions( ); saveoptions.embedcolorprofile = true; saveoptions.formatoptions = formatoptions.standardbaseline; saveoptions.matte = mattetype.none; saveoptions.quality = 10;  activedocument.saveas(savefile, saveoptions, true, extension.lowercase);  };  

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