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Thread: Video Players Sometimes Shows Video

hey everybody!

movie player , vlc player play videos , won't. restarted computer see if fix issue , did. that's great, know besides restarting computer in case issue comes again. don't want restarting computer everytime try play video using movie player or vlc player. also, i'd know how clear history in movie player.


totem gets it's it's history ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel, parsing out last 5 "<bookmark:group>totem</bookmark:group>"

lot of other 'histories' stored there not great idea delete file itself. editing out individual totem entries quite pita & not worth doing.

far sporadic playback issue try produce error message, either run vlc in terminal -vv option or can set vlc log messages text file

otherwise when happens ck. tail end of ~/xsession-errors, may have useful

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